Our team
Since 2019, we have been working to bring to life a project that drives us: leveraging on new technologies and electronic payments to build an application that is beneficial for local retail and the local economy.
Antoine Bahri
Engineer turned entrepreneur, Antoine co-founded a first payment application for the restaurant sector in Barcelona. His experience in retail and fintech led him to launch Carlo in Monaco and use the Principality where he grew up as a pilot city.
Passionate about fintech, Antoine's aspiration is building bridges for small and traditional businesses to digitally integrate and grow.
Marta Mas
Marta loves everything related to data. After 4 years at KPMG and a stay in Madrid as an innovation project manager at Naturgy, she joined her classmate from IESE Business School to develop Carlo. She helps the team make the right decisions using her magic Excel tables.
Armand Bahri
Business Development
With a degree in business management and training in financial auditing, Armand is the person responsible for strategic leads and business development. He works in close collaboration with our various city managers to help our retailers to develop and grow with Carlo.
Geoffroy Farrugia
Operations and Product
Conscientious and diligent Geoffroy has a real inventive spirit. His thirst for learning drives him to continually develop his skills and discover new improvement opportunities for our operations. Above all, he loves to surprise and impress our users with new features.
Camillo Rubesa
customer success
Dynamic and full of good humor, Camillo's mission is to ensure customer satisfaction. After studying hospital management, he decided to move into the world of startups and used his interpersonal skills to motivate and retain our users and our merchants.
Bilal Boubecha
City manager aix-en-provence
A computer engineer turned salesman, Bilal is a man of challenges. Determined and passionate, it is as City Manager of Aix en Provence that he represents the face of Carlo within the population of Aix. He develops Carlo in his hometown in order to have an unprecedented impact there and contribute to the expansion of the company.
Xavier Albalate Acena
Coming from a commercial family, Xavier obtained his law degree after studying at ESADE. His career led him to practice at the Bank of Spain, CaixaBank and the European Payments Council (EPC) where he specialized in payment regulation, an area that continues to fascinate him day after day. At Carlo, Xavier advises our development and accompanies us in the regulations, allowing him to combine his background with his passion.
Dr. Thomas Papanikolaou
Thomas is an expert in business development and international trade. Executive advisor and business coach, he oversees startups and companies to help them create sustainable and profitable growth. Its ultimate goal is to contribute to the success of 1000 companies.