Monte-Carlo Beer: the beer born in Monaco

Monte-Carlo Beer is above all the story of two friends: Anthony Orango and William Scheffer. Entrepreneur and adventurer at heart, these two beer enthusiasts traveled the world before returning to their native country and creating their own product. 

A tasty beer available on our Click & Collect 

A story

The starting point of this beautiful story starts with an observation: few light and refreshing beers are available in the bars and restaurants of our region. The idea of producing a beverage with soft and creamy flavors matured in the minds of Anthony and William: Monte Carlo Beer was born !

Their concept

Their wish is to introduce the concept of “thirst beer”, a light drink without bitterness that quenches your thirst. Monte-Carlo Beer is also a beer that aims to be eco-responsible. The objective is to combine the know-how of local craftsmen and the use of regional products. 


The product

For the moment two products are available: blond beer and amber beer composed  a blend of three malts and three hops. In 2022, Monte-Carlo Beer wants to develop an organic blond beer and new alcohol-free products including a lemonade and a cola.

To be continued !